Launch of a New Working Group on Monitoring Methodologies for CO2 Neutral Fuels.

European automotive and energy industry stakeholders released a joint announcement on launching a working group to monitor methodologies for CO2-neutral fuel. The main goal -to reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation to zero (if possible) in the European Transport Sector and achieve climate neutrality goals by 2050.

The signatories call for the principle of technology neutrality to prevail, meaning they want the European Commission and TCMV to consider various technologies for achieving carbon neutrality in vehicles rather than favouring one specific approach.

Moreover, the participants support the European Commission's Technical Committee for Motor Vehicles (TCMV), which is developing a proposal for registering vehicles that run permanently on CO2-neutral fuels, which aligns with EU law and the Renewable Energy Directive sustainability criteria.

A temporary Working Group has been established following an introductory workshop held in Stuttgart on September 20, 2023, to contribute to these efforts. This Working Group will assess potential mechanical and digital solutions for monitoring CO2-neutral fuels in new vehicles.

This monitoring methodology is expected to help European businesses report their scope emissions, which typically refer to an organisation's direct and indirect emissions. The Working Group aims to create a report for EU policymakers by December 2024. This report will likely provide recommendations and insights on effectively monitoring and implementing CO2-neutral fuels in the automotive sector to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality goal.