EU Bubble Insider with Malgosia Bartosik

Hello Insiders,

Welcome to this new episode of the EU Bubble Insider podcast with Malgosia Bartosik, the Deputy CEO of WindEurope. In this insightful conversation with Malgosia we discuss various aspects of the wind energy industry, her role at WindEurope, and her views on communication and public affairs in the EU regulatory space. The interview provides valuable insights into the challenges and successes faced by WindEurope in promoting the growth of wind energy and addressing sustainability concerns.

WindEurope is a prominent industry association representing the interests of the European wind energy sector. With a growing membership and a strong commitment to sustainability, the organization strives to accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources and promote wind power as a key component of Europe's clean energy future.

During the interview, Malgosia highlighted the remarkable progress made by the wind energy sector in recent years. She emphasised the importance of consistent policies and ambitious targets to further accelerate renewable energy growth across the continent.

Communications and public affairs are crucial aspects of WindEurope's efforts to drive positive change in the renewable energy sector. Malgosia shared how the storytelling approach helps them effectively convey the importance of wind energy to policymakers, stakeholders, and the public.

Additionally, Malgosia highlighted various successful collaborations, including alliances with Solar Power Europe and green electricity buyers' communities. Such partnerships enable stakeholders to come together, share knowledge, and advocate for a faster and more efficient transition to sustainable energy sources.

One standout project mentioned by Malgosia is the collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Accenture, and the World Economic Forum to develop a pro bono platform aimed at reducing administrative barriers to permitting wind projects.

The interview also delved into Malgosia's personal approach to work-life balance. As a leader in a demanding industry, Malgosia emphasised the integration of work and personal life, where both aspects are interconnected and fulfilling. By embracing flexibility and prioritising quality time with family and friends, Bartosik shared how she finds contentment in her role as a mom, a leader, and an advocate for renewable energy.

This interview with Malgosia Bartosik offers a captivating glimpse into the dynamic world of renewable energy and its critical role in combatting climate change. From discussing the organisations successful advocacy efforts and strategic partnerships to highlighting impactful projects and educational initiatives, Malgosia's insights provide an inspiring narrative of driving positive change in the wind energy sector. The interview is a must-watch for policymakers, industry professionals, environmental enthusiasts, and anyone passionate about sustainable solutions and the future of clean energy. By understanding the challenges and triumphs of the renewable energy sector through Malgosia's perspective, viewers gain valuable insights into the vital role played by organisations like WindEurope in shaping a greener and more sustainable world.

You can watch our interview on YouTube:

Or listen to it on Soundcloud:

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